Time kills all deals, but it shouldn’t kill all sales training.
In this newly-minted and limited access program from Hoffman, your team will take a 7-week deep dive into the tactical areas of a deal that they need to improve upon – so they can overcome deal-stalling objections and keep their pipeline hot.
What you want to learn. When you want to learn. How you want to learn it. Because your sales class shouldn’t be longer than your next sales call. Our Accelerate the Deal™ program is the tactical deep-dive your sales team needs to launch into a successful next quarter.
Live weekly private classes on the essential sales techniques your reps need to know. Always delivered by your expert trainers, Jeff and CeCe.
We’l help you choose a focus practice area to curate the content your team needs, aligned to what they want to learn at every stage of the sales process, from start to work to close.
*Presented in various skill levels for reps of all levels of ability and experience. From green circles to double black diamonds (sorry, Jeff is a skier.)
Whatever our role. Whatever our charter. Whatever our goal. We all share one thing. The Deal. Our methodology, “Own the Deal™” eliminates all other distractions, so we can finally explore the essence of what defines a deal, how to advance it in our pipeline, and how to ultimately close it. Explore the psychology that drives the incredible results of the Scorecard®, our unique way of capturing every opportunity.
At the end of your Accelerate the Deal program, you’ll receive a comprehensive personalized team assessment from Jeff and CeCe. As a leader, you’ll walk away with a new way for you to look at the deals in your pipeline and determine their health, as well as an assessment of your team and their sales strategy – so you can keep the momentum going.
This limited offer provides access for up to 50 reps (50 licenses) for a 7-week Accelerate the Deal™ program. Your team will receive 4 Private Classes, 12 One-on-One Coaching Calls, and one manager huddle to wrap up your program and provide next steps.
Pricing available upon request.