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account manager training

Grow the Deal™

  • Start the Deal™
  • Work the Deal™
  • Close the Deal™
  • Lead the Deal™
  • Grow the Deal™
  • Accelerate the Deal™

Gives and Asks

Maximize lifetime customer value (LTV) post-sales.

For most deals, the “Close” is just the beginning of the customer relationship.

Our Grow The Deal™ account manager training focuses on essential post-sale motions: client renewal; upselling and cross-selling; multi-threading; co-branding; joint marketing campaigns; and channel opportunities. With our powerful Getting the Grade™ technique, account and customer success managers can leverage their unique position within the customer relationship to reduce churn while exceeding net revenue retention targets – even when direct sales experience is at a minimum.

The Learning Plan

Customer Success Managers aren’t salespeople. And they shouldn’t need to be.

To enjoy true success in the role means to support and foster the Customer’s ongoing needs, helping them maximize their growth alongside your offering.

With our Getting the Grade™ technique, your company’s post-sale efforts can effectively manage both goals. QBRs become more productive, as both risks and new opportunity are identified long before contract renewal.

  • Getting the Grade™

    The most successful window for upsells, cross sells, and renewals is within 30 days of an initial sale. We start our Grow the Deal™ account manager training with our fundamental Getting the Grade™ technique that single-handedly ushers the role of prospect into the role of customer.

    The early transitional moments between AE and CSM are discussed and planned as we weave powerful sales and communication techniques into the language of account management. Both disarming and assertive, the AM can quickly pivot from “customer service” to trusted advisor, able to uncover greater opportunities while building rock-solid relationships, even with difficult clients.

  • Running Your First QBR

    Quarterly business reviews (QBRs) are frequently delivered, but rarely effective. In our second course in our Grow the Deal™ Practice, we introduce an innovative approach to the CSM’s first QBR.

    Based on our Perfect Meeting® technique, AMs will learn a meeting construct designed to uncover new opportunities, develop new champions, and mitigate future potential risk – all while delighting the customer with industry expertise and competitive insight.

  • The Org Question – Unplugged

    In this deep-dive “Unplugged” class, we explore the hidden power of the Organization band within The Perfect Meeting®.  By exploring people, locations, roles, and positions early in Discovery we can go to great depths in determining deal health, strategy, and next steps. Often a disarming section of the meeting, we learn how to put our Social Value™ to the test.

  • Gives and Gets® for AMs

    Closing has a very different meaning with existing customers. In this class, we focus on creating a Scorecard® suitable for the unique perspective of the post-sale opportunity, managed by AMs and CSMs. Here, by shifting our “Get” requirement to a softer “Ask” requirement, the post-sales rep is more equipped to develop new sales opportunities while leveraging the client – partner relationship. Unique closes are introduced, and specific scoring techniques are explained.

The Closer Collection™

sales training online

Your exclusive resource to all things Hoffman. Curate custom playlists based on question, topic, stage, skill and level.

  • Start the Deal™, Work the Deal™, Close the Deal™, and Grow the Deal™ –  The foundation to all of our Hoffman techniques.  The perfect entry point for anyone new (or returning) to sales.
  • Hoffman Hacks™– Our catalog of hundreds of classic sales answers for immediate action items, delivered to your phone in moments.  Constantly updated and curated.  Always a minute.
  • Hoffman Hits™– 3-minute video summaries of every 30-minute Hoffman class to reinforce learning when you need us on the go.  You’re welcome.
sales training online

Hoffman’s approach to gives and gets has radically improved the way we manage, raised skill levels, and increased sales predictability. Jeff has such a sharp understanding of sales issues that he raises the bar for everyone: our reps, our managers, and our executives – myself included.

Tom Huntington
CFO at Crayon

Everyone in the business world who wants to be successful needs to go through Hoffman’s training– 100%.

Steven Lipner
President at Whartons Dealmaker’s Club

Hoffman gave my team the right tools, control and confidence needed to initiate conversations and move deals toward the result we want.

Brent Jones
Program Manager Sales Training & Enablement

Hoffman is a magician. He captures everyone’s attention and has the uncanny ability to take content and techniques and turn it into something that is exciting, entertaining, and easily transferable into action.

Eric Shoemaker

I find nuggets in 99% of the Tuesdays with Hoffman events. I’m not in traditional sales. So much of the content, is applicable to the fundraising space because it is all about relationships and how you work with the various sponsors/donors/event participants.

Andrea Marlar
Assistant Vice President at Boston Children’s Hospital

Since attending the workshop my income has increased 30%, and the size of my deals nearly doubled.

Mark Vinokur
Enterprise Account Executive

Hoffman has been my go-to for training for over 10 years. Their expertise in unmatched and their level of expertise and innovation is clear. They have a deep knowledge and understanding of the sales process which allows them to deliver a training that is specific to our team, our challenges, and our goals. There is no better training out there.

Dave Peisach
VP of Account Management at Definitive Healthcare

Tuesdays with Hoffman is a meeting I protect on my calendar every week because the insights are actionable, practical, and real. Jeff and CeCe’s conversations always give me value and make me think. Thank you for all that you do!

Business Development Director

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