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How Many Sales Demos Should I Give?

Hoffman Hacks

How Many Sales Demos Should I Give?

Are you feeling like your sales demos are getting a bit stale? Ever wonder how many demos you actually need to keep things fresh and exciting – for both you and your buyer?

Here’s the scoop: one demo just isn’t enough.

Showing the same demo over and over can be draining for you as a Closer, even if your customers have never seen the sales demo before. With repetition, our own excitement and enthusiasm can start to fade, and that’s the last thing we want. To keep the energy up, I like to have multiple sales demos ready to go.

So, how many sales demos should you have on hand?

Ideally, you need a mix. Start with a simple, broad demo that shows off the main features and benefits of your product and/or service. As your prospects show more interest and start bringing others into the conversation, you can introduce additional demos that are more detailed and interactive. This approach not only keeps things interesting, but also rewards your prospects for their engagement.

Having multiple sales demos can really boost your sales game. It allows you to tailor your presentation to different audience segments and stages of the sales cycle. Plus, it helps you stay enthusiastic and deliver a more dynamic and personalized experience. It’s not just about the number of demos; it’s about making sure they’re relevant and engaging.

So, to sum it up, how many sales demos you really need depends on your sales strategy and the complexity of your product. But having a few different ones on hand can make a big difference in how you connect with your prospects. Keep them varied, relevant, and interactive to maximize their impact.

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