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How to Expand the Audience

Hoffman Hacks

How to Expand the Audience

Are you looking to expand the audience at your next sales meeting? It’s time to expand your questions.

Sometimes we can get stuck with a single prospect or buyer in some of our deals, and that’s largely because we’re probably asking the same types of questions, which that person can answer. So if you’re looking to get more and different people at your next meeting, why not do what I do? 

Start asking questions that you know full well your prospect can’t answer. Like if you’re talking to someone in operations, ask a question that only someone in human resources would answer. Or if you’re talking to someone in facilities, ask a question that only someone in sales could answer. And if you do that enough times, at some point when they say, “I don’t know,” for the third time, you might then suggest, “Well, who would know? And can we bring them along at our next call so I could understand their world and position this better for how you’ll use it?”

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