Do you ever feel frustrated by wishy-washy answers from your prospects? You know the kind—answers that don’t give you clear direction or reveal their true intentions. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to take a page from the band Heart and “even it up.”
Let’s dive into why prospects often hold back and how you can earn their commitment without getting stuck in indecision.
The truth is, many prospects work hard to avoid revealing their intentions to Closers.
Why? Because to disclose their true intentions is to invite persuasion or influence. Most prospects are hesitant to let their guard down, especially when they’re not ready to make a decision. This often leads them to adopt a strategy that looks something like Goldilocks’ choice—the middle option. This “middle lane” doesn’t clearly show where they stand, leaving things vague for you, the Closer.
However, this middle ground is, in fact, a form of indecision. It’s a “no decision lane.” When prospects say, “I’ll think about it” or “I’m not sure,” they are choosing to stay in that middle zone, where they are not committing either way.
So, how can you move past this uncertainty and actually earn prospect commitment? One effective technique I use is giving my prospects an even number of choices. By providing two options instead of three, you remove the middle lane altogether. When there’s no clear middle option, the prospect is more likely to make a choice that leans toward one direction. This subtle change makes the decision-making process easier for them and, importantly, helps you move closer to earning their commitment.
When you take this approach, you’re not only guiding the prospect toward a decision, but you’re also showing them that you understand their hesitation. Instead of pushing for a quick yes or no, you’re providing clarity and a path forward to earn prospect commitment.
In sales, we don’t always want to push prospects into a corner, but we do want to help them navigate their indecision. By eliminating the wishy-washy middle option, you increase the likelihood that your prospects will make a more definitive choice, and in turn, you’ll be able to earn prospect commitment more effectively.
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